SEO-Friendly Pagination: A Complete Best Practices Guide

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

What is Pagination?

Pagination is the process of dividing extensive content on a website or other digital systems into smaller, separate pages that are accessible individually.

Generally, each page contains a certain amount of content that is independent and accessible to users separately from other pages.

Pagination is used to allow users to easily access different pages of extensive content and to optimize website loading speed, especially in cases where there is a large volume of content.

For example, a news website may have more than 100 articles, but with pagination, this content is presented in smaller portions on multiple pages, allowing users to easily access the articles they are interested in.

Pagination is a method in which the content of a web page is divided into several smaller pages, and users can view other pages using previous and next buttons or pagination links.

This method helps optimize server resource usage and improve website loading speed, but if implemented incorrectly, it can have a negative impact on site ranking and user experience.

To implement pagination on web pages, factors such as the use of appropriate keywords in page titles and text, appropriate meta descriptions, removal of repetitive and low-value content, linking to related pages, etc., should be considered.

Andrzej Lipinski believes that pagination pages should not have less than 300 words and should have relevant content. He also emphasizes that these pages should be primarily designed for users and should not be created solely to improve site ranking on search engines.

-Andrzej Lipinski

How does website pagination affect ranking?

Pagination can have a significant impact on a website’s ranking on search engines. In fact, pagination is recognized as one of the SEO optimization factors.

If pagination is properly implemented, it can improve the site’s loading speed, thus enhancing its ranking on Google.

Pagination can help users access different pages of the site and easily find the content they are looking for.

Additionally, pagination allows search engines to better understand the structure and organization of your site and how its content is arranged. This can also aid in improving your site’s ranking in search results.

Therefore, implementing proper pagination can help improve your site’s ranking on search engines.

However, it should be noted that pagination is just one of the SEO optimization factors and should be combined with other factors such as quality content, important keywords, and high-quality links.

John Mueller strongly emphasizes the importance of a logical and clear website structure for both users and search engines. Therefore, web page design should be user-centric and with logical hierarchical organization, so that users can easily access the content. He also emphasizes that the number of pages on our website is less important than the quality and suitability of content for users. Overall, based on his experience with website structure and pagination, John Mueller recommends organizing the website based on a logical and clear hierarchical structure so that users and search engines can easily find the desired content.

John Mueller

Common Mistakes in Page Layout Implementation

Implementing page layout is one of the essential factors for improving website performance and user experience. However, in some cases, improper page layout implementation can result in an undesirable display of the website, ultimately leading to the loss of visitors and customers.

Here are some common mistakes in page layout implementation:

1- Using an excessive number of pages: Using too many pages can lead to a decrease in page loading speed and, ultimately, a reduction in user experience. To make it easy for users to access different pages of the site, it is better to try to minimize the number of pages.

2- Not using appropriate headings: Using appropriate headings on each page of the site can help users easily access the content they are looking for. Also, using appropriate headings can help search engines better understand the site and have a better ranking in search results.

3- Inappropriate sizing for different sections of the page: Inappropriate sizing for different sections of the page can cause the page to be displayed in an unbalanced manner and disrupt the user experience. Therefore, the correct sizing should be determined for each section of the page to improve the user experience.

4- Not using an appropriate layout: Using an appropriate layout can help users easily access the information they need. Therefore, the page layout should be organized in a way that presents information in an organized manner and allows users to easily access different pages.

5- Not using a navigation menu: Using a suitable navigation menu can help users easily access different pages. Therefore, the navigation menu should be designed in a way that allows users to easily access different pages.

6- Not implementing a back-to-top feature: Implementing a back-to-top feature can help users easily access different sections of a page. Therefore, the back-to-top feature should be implemented in a way that allows users to easily access different sections of a page.

7- Repetitive and low-value content: Repetitive and low-value content can lead to an increase in the number of website pages, which may cause search engines to identify the website as spam and negatively impact its ranking.

8- Referring consecutive pages to the first page of pagination as canonical: Referring consecutive pages to the first page with the canonical tag may create problems in the website’s page ranking, and search engines may not reach the intended result.

9- Budget allocation for implementing page layout: Using crawling budget to implement page layout can help search engines access different pages of the site.

However, we should be careful not to use the crawling budget improperly and select pages that need to be checked by search engines.

Additionally, this budget should be allocated in a way that includes other important SEO activities to further enhance the user experience and website ranking.

Without proper planning for site crawling, your budget can easily go to waste.

One of the SEO problems resulting from pagination is the waste of crawl budget.

When Google crawlers start crawling paginated pages, they are essentially wasting your site’s crawl budget.

This is because these pages are not meant to create any additional value compared to the first pagination page.

Therefore, you can prevent them from being crawled. To do this, you can use the robots.txt file and notify Google that you do not want these pages to be crawled.

This will help your crawl budget be used to crawl more important pages on your site, resulting in an improved ranking on search engines.

It is also important to carefully review whether the content on paginated pages is duplicated, and if so, use appropriate methods to resolve this issue.

Additionally, ensure that the content on each page is useful and valuable to users.

Overall, implementing pagination in a way that improves the user experience and helps search engines better understand and rank your site is crucial.

Neil Patel, a reputable SEO and online marketing expert, says that pagination can be useful for improving the user experience, but special attention must also be paid to the content within pagination pages. He believes that proper pagination should be accompanied by suitable content that is categorized and relevant. Additionally, pagination pages should be regularly updated with new information.

Neil Patel

Types of Layout: Load More and Infinite Scroll

In the Load More method, only a limited amount of content is initially displayed to the user, and by clicking on the “Load More” button, the next section of content is shown.

In this method, the user is not actively seeking to receive more content and only updates the page by clicking on the button.

In the Infinite-Scrolling method, content is automatically loaded instead of using a button.

By scrolling down the page, more content is automatically displayed. In this method, the user is continuously seeking to receive more content.

Using both methods in web page implementation may be appropriate depending on the topic and user needs.

However, if more content is not added and only existing content is repeated, these methods may cause users to become disappointed. In addition, using the Infinite-Scrolling method can slow down page loading speed and compromise the user experience.

Nevertheless, if implemented correctly, the use of both methods can enhance the user experience and attract a larger number of users.

For example, using the Infinite-Scrolling method for sites that primarily feature images would be appropriate because users have a need to view the largest number of images.

Important points that should be considered in website layout

1- Loading speed: The loading speed of web pages is one of the important factors for the success of websites in attracting visitors and ranking in search engines. Therefore, pages should be designed optimally and with appropriate loading speed.

2- Simplicity of design: Web page design should be simple and clear so that users can easily find their desired content.

3- Accessibility: It should be ensured that web pages are easily accessible to users with all devices and browsers without any restrictions.

4- Compatibility with different devices (responsive design): Pages should be designed in a way that is compatible with all types of devices, including computers, tablets, and mobile phones.

5- Use of design elements: Various design elements such as fonts, colors, and images should be used correctly and appropriately in website layout to enhance its beauty and user-friendliness.

6- Hierarchical page layout: Pages should be laid out hierarchically to help users easily access their desired pages.

7- Observing color theory principles: The colors used on the website should be harmonious and consistent with the website’s visual identity. The use of light and dark colors should be done according to the type of content and its attractiveness.

8- Using appropriate space between content: To improve readability and access to content, sufficient space should be used between contents. This space attracts more attention to the content and reduces eye fatigue.

Also, in pages that are made with rich and extensive content, using space between paragraphs and sections can help reduce reader fatigue and improve readability.

9- Employing optimized images: The use of optimized and high-quality images, reducing the file size of images, and using suitable formats can have a significant impact on improving website layout.

10- Using optimized text: Optimized and relevant text related to the page content should be observed in website layout design. In addition, the use of appropriate font and text size, suitable headings and subheadings, and placing text in different blocks can improve website layout.

11- Using relevant and up-to-date content: The use of relevant and up-to-date content facilitates users’ search and, consequently, improves the website’s ranking in search engines.

Final words

Pagination is one of the popular methods for displaying content on websites.

By using pagination, you can easily display your content in an accessible and organized way, allowing users to easily access different pages, which can improve their user experience.

At the same time, incorrect implementation of pagination can have negative effects on your website’s SEO.

To prevent these problems, make sure pagination is properly implemented and that repetitive and worthless content is not created on new pages.

Also, keep in mind that each page of your website should provide value to users and be well-designed to meet their needs. By following these guidelines, you can create a successful and user-friendly website.

Picture of Ashkan Arkani

Ashkan Arkani

I began my career with programming and gradually entered the field of SEO and digital marketing. Along the way, I took steps in analyzing various businesses from the perspective of digital marketing. I launched this blog with great enthusiasm and to help businesses grow in the digital space. In this blog, I share my experiences and research in SEO and digital marketing.

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