What is WordPress Permalink?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


In the world of WordPress websites, where every element contributes to the overall user experience and search engine visibility, permalinks play a vital role. But what exactly are permalinks? In this article, we’ll explore the significance of WordPress permalinks, how they impact your website, and best practices to optimize them for better SEO and user engagement.

At its core, a WordPress permalink is the unique web address assigned to each individual post, page, or custom post type on your WordPress website. It serves as the URL that users and search engines use to access specific content on your site. Permalinks are designed to be user-friendly, descriptive, and meaningful, which is essential for both human visitors and search engine crawlers.

Why Are Permalinks Important?

The significance of WordPress permalinks cannot be overstated. Here are some key reasons why they are crucial for your website:

  1. SEO Friendliness: Well-structured permalinks that contain relevant keywords can positively impact your site’s search engine rankings. They provide search engines with valuable information about the content of your page, making it easier for them to understand and index your site.
  2. User Experience: A user-friendly permalink helps visitors to comprehend the content of the page before clicking on it. Clear and descriptive URLs can enhance the overall user experience, leading to increased engagement and reduced bounce rates.
  3. Link Sharing and Credibility: When you share your content on social media or other platforms, a clean and readable permalink can attract more clicks and improve the credibility of your website.
  4. Ranking in Featured Snippets: Properly optimized permalinks can improve your chances of being featured in Google’s featured snippets, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Now that we understand the importance of WordPress permalinks, let’s explore how to create SEO-friendly URLs that benefit both users and search engines.

1. Incorporate Relevant Keywords

One of the best practices for creating permalinks is to include relevant keywords that accurately describe the content of your page or post. Keywords help search engines understand the topic of your content and improve your chances of ranking for relevant search queries.

2. Keep It Short and Descriptive

Avoid long and convoluted URLs that may confuse both users and search engines. Instead, keep your permalinks concise and descriptive. Use hyphens to separate words, as it enhances readability.

3. Use LSI Keywords

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords are terms related to your primary keyword. Incorporating LSI keywords in your permalinks can further enhance their relevance and searchability.

4. Avoid Stop Words

Stop words are common words like “a,” “an,” “the,” “in,” and “of” that add no significant value to your permalink. Eliminate stop words to make your URLs cleaner and more focused.

5. Consider Your Site’s Structure

Maintaining a logical and organized site structure is crucial for SEO. Ensure that your permalinks reflect the hierarchical organization of your site’s content.

The default permalink structure provided by WordPress includes a series of numbers, which may not be the most aesthetically pleasing or descriptive. For instance, a typical default permalink looks like this: https://www.example.com/?p=123. While it works, it lacks context and does not convey any meaningful information about the content.

WordPress offers various permalink structures to choose from, each with its own advantages. Here are some of the most common options:

1. Plain Permalinks

Plain permalinks are the default option in WordPress, but they are not recommended for SEO. They use query parameters and are not user-friendly or descriptive.

2. Day and Name Permalinks

This structure includes the publication date and the post name in the URL. While it provides some SEO benefits, it can lead to long and less attractive URLs.

3. Month and Name Permalinks

Similar to the Day and Name structure, this option includes the month and post name. It offers a compromise between SEO and URL length.

4. Numeric Permalinks

Numeric permalinks use post IDs instead of words in the URL. They are not user-friendly or SEO-friendly and are best avoided.

5. Custom Structure

The custom structure option allows you to create your own permalink format, giving you complete control over how your URLs are structured.

Choosing a Suitable Permalink Structure

To enhance your website’s aesthetics and user-friendliness, it’s crucial to customize the permalink structure. Consider the nature of your website and the type of content you publish when making this decision. A well-chosen permalink structure can have a positive impact on your website’s overall performance.

Creating Custom Permalinks

WordPress allows you to create custom permalinks for individual posts or pages. This feature grants you more control over how your content is presented in the URL. Customizing permalinks also gives you the opportunity to include relevant keywords, which can be advantageous for search engine optimization.

Best Practices for Customizing Permalinks

While customizing permalinks can be exciting, exercise caution and avoid frequent changes. Changing permalinks too often can lead to broken links, affecting your site’s user experience and SEO. When customizing, always set up proper redirects to ensure visitors and search engines can find your content even if the URL has changed.


Permalinks are the backbone of your WordPress website’s structure, impacting both user experience and SEO. By understanding the significance of permalinks and following best practices for customization, you can create a user-friendly and search-engine-optimized website that attracts and engages visitors.


  1. Can I change my WordPress permalink structure after my website is live? Yes, you can change your WordPress permalink structure even after your website is live. However, it’s crucial to set up proper redirects to avoid broken links and maintain SEO rankings.
  2. What permalink structure is best for SEO? The “Post Name” permalink structure is often considered the best for SEO, as it includes relevant keywords in the URL, making it more descriptive and user-friendly.
  3. Do permalinks affect website loading speed? Yes, complex permalinks can slightly impact website loading speed. It’s essential to choose a concise and straightforward permalink structure to maintain faster load times.
  4. Are there plugins to help manage permalink redirections? Yes, there are several WordPress plugins available to help manage permalink redirections. Some popular ones include “Redirection” and “Yoast SEO.”
  5. How frequently should I change my permalinks? Avoid changing permalinks frequently, as it can lead to broken links and negatively affect SEO. Only make changes when necessary and set up redirects accordingly.
Picture of Ashkan Arkani

Ashkan Arkani

I began my career with programming and gradually entered the field of SEO and digital marketing. Along the way, I took steps in analyzing various businesses from the perspective of digital marketing. I launched this blog with great enthusiasm and to help businesses grow in the digital space. In this blog, I share my experiences and research in SEO and digital marketing.

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